Pump House Presents:
The Art Adoption Center Fundraiser
Donation and Viewing Guide
Donation – Inquires:
- Art can be dropped off weekly on Tuesdays during gallery hours – prior contact via email or phone preferred
- Contact: olivia@thepumphouse.org or call 608-785-1434
- Tuesday hours: 9am-7pm
- The Pump House will not pick up art donations
Donation – Art Preferences:
- The Title/Name (if applicable) as well as any history/stories associated with the pieces
- Pump House gets final decision on whether to accept or deny donations
- Preferably framed (some exclusions apply)
- No empty frames
Donation – Pricing:
- Pump House reserves the right to sell donated art at the price they determine
- Donors will receive an in-kind donation letter for tax purposes within 14 business days via USPS mail
Art Sales:
- Art is for sale and can be viewed during the Pump House’s gallery hours
- Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
- Tuesday 9am-7pm
- Saturday 12-4pm
- Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm