September 14 – November 5, 2022
Artist Reception October 7, 2022, 5:00-7:00 PM
Jane Michalski
Enduring Earth
Enduring Earth explores the structures of the earth through the three themes of; Bedrock Subtraction, Tectonic Shift and Rejuvenation in order to elicit a sense of wonder and appreciation for the planet. Michalski uses encaustic mixed-media paintings to express her connection to the earth and the unseen energies that connect us.

Drawn Together
One Morning each week throughout the year the Drawn Together artists meet in varied locations to draw from observation. Many local businesses, parks, and private homes have hosted the groups. The artists share their drawings informally with one another then take their sketchbooks back to further develop their ideas and images into more finished works. Drawings, paintings, sculpture, printmaking and collaged works will be shown in “Drawn Together” exhibit.
Jeanne Arenz, Lynne Burgess, Lynnae Burns, Julie Chamberlain, Margaret Ewert, Lori Ehlke, Joan Gunderson, Lynn Hobart, Chris Johnson, Pam Knutson, Pat Gund, Jill Rippe, Ann Schedivy-Tollefson, Marti Schwem, Colleen Shore, Laura Siitari, Marianne Stanke and Marcia Thompson
November 9 2022 – January 7, 2023
Artist Reception: December 2, 2022
5:00-7:00 PM
Mark Weller
The Infinite Effect of Time on Clouds: Never in Reruns
Weller uses the technique of “timestacking” photography,” capturing cloud movement over segments of time to create painterly like creations that evolve traditional photography beyond the customary landscape. This body of work will entice audiences to see themselves within the vastness of the cosmos.
Check out the artist talk we did with Mark for more insight about him and his process in creating his artwork!

Connor Johanson
Deep Mapping: Finding Perspective in the Landscape
Deep Mapping: Finding Perspective in the Landscape is an exhibition of acrylic paintings that delve into different visual interpretations of the land and its history in an effort to tell its stories. Johanson finds that placing themselves in the landscape gives valuable perspective and space to engage with the non-human world

Phil Murray
The Reaction to Natures Inspiration
Murray uses oil paintings to engage and understand life’s challenges, moods and emotions. In this exhibition of five oil paintings, the artist uncovers the mysteries and surprises of nature through movement and personal experience.
January 11- February 25, 2023
Artist Reception: February 3, 2023
5:00-7:00 PM
Lynda Wallis
Trust Yourself to Feel Exactly What You’re Feeling
Lynda Wallis’s new work invites viewers to bring their own narrative to the experience of viewing artwork. The artist uses torn paper and dried flowers to create vibrant, flowing rivers of color, shapes, and textures to entice personal interpretations and ideas.
Jean Weiner
Dance of Light
Dance in the Light is a series of figurative and still life scenes represented through transparent poured water colors, capturing how light play across the subjects and their surroundings.
K. Daphnae Koop
Elevating the Ordinary
“Elevating the Ordinary” is a richly textured grouping of mixed media paintings using wood and recycled materials such as glass and objects from nature. These elusive visual combinations reveal themselves slowly, to honor the beauty of the basest of materials.
March 1 – April 15, 2023
Artist Reception: March 3, 2023
5:00-7:00 PM
David Williams
The Street Less Traveled
Williams exhibition, “The Street Less Traveled,” presents watercolors that showcase unusual view of the urban landscape. Through edges and texture, Williams shows the true grittiness and nature of an authentic metropolis.
James Byrne
Unforeseen Anomalies
Through the photographing of cement, sidewalks and the cryptic marks left upon them, Byrne dives into the land of shadows, shapes and textures right below our feet. In the search of the extraordinary in the ordinary, Unforeseen Anomalies is an exhibition of black and white, photo-drawing digital collages printed on soft vinyl.
Daniel Schraith
Blooms of the Pandemic
This series of 10 framed photos showcases bouquets of flowers bought at outdoor markets during the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic in seemingly random locations. Schraith discusses the juxtaposition of the lively and the mundane, the hope vs fear and sense vs. nonsense during that time in this exhibition.
April 18 – May 16, 2023
All School Show
Artist Reception: May 5, 2023

May 24 – July 15, 2023
Artist Reception: June 2, 2023
5:00-7:00 PM
Chase Gentry
Imagination Dissection
In this exhibition the artist seeks to understand the depths and inner workings of the human imagination. Gentry works in pencil, pen, ink, acrylic, water color and spray paint throughout their work.
Kirsten Engel
Flora is an exhibition focused on slowing down and taking a closer look at the wonders of the natural world. Engel creates these photographs using unconventional techniques such as modified camera lenses and overlaying her images in encaustic medium and color.
July 19 – September 9, 2023
Artist Reception: August 4, 2023
5:00-7:00 PM
Naomi Hart
Suspending Disbelief
Using a unique Encaustic Mixed Media process, Naomi Hart invites you to Suspended Disbelief and find a source of healing and transformation within her surreal depictions of a mysterious natural world.
Cynthia Starkweather-Nelson
Studied Environments
This exhibition is focused on three diverse ecosystems, the harsh, yet beautiful Sonoran Desert, the freshwater biome of northern WI with lakes and prairies and the temperate rainforest of Washington State, In order to express the color and reflective qualities found in the subjects, Starkweather uses reflections and shadows that define the structures of the landscape.
Karen Genz
La Crosse Places and Spaces
This is a collection of Photographic prints that showcases La Crosse landmarks, architecture, and scenic landscapes. The artist captures everyday sights, that become commonplace, but once caught in the right light, or unique angle, suddenly seem new.
Youth Art Exhibitions
Holmen High School
October 19-November 12
Holmen Elementary
December 16 – Jan 7 2023
La Crosse Elementary
January 11- February 4
Caledonia Schools
February 8- February 25
Tomah Schools
March 1 – March 18
Onalaska High School
March 22- April 15
Boys and Girls Club
May 24 – June 15
September 14- November 12